Quiz Maker from PDF

Upload a PDF and generate a quiz using AI

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PDF to Quiz

AI-Powered Quiz Generation from PDF

Simply upload your PDF, specify the number of questions, select the language, and set the difficulty level to transform your PDF into an engaging quiz. Use OCR for PDFs with non-selectable text.

Multilingual Quiz Conversion
Effortlessly transform your PDFs into quizzes in various languages.
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
Utilize visual recognition to create interactive quizzes from PDFs with non-selectable text.
pdf to quiz

Assess Your Knowledge

Take the Quiz and Share

Test your knowledge by taking the quiz. Review your score and the correct answers. You can also invite others to participate.

Participate and Invite
Attempt the quiz multiple times to achieve a perfect score.
Download Quiz and Answers
Save the quiz and answers as a PDF for offline use.
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AI Quiz from PDF

MCQs from PDF

Challenge yourself with automatically generated multiple-choice questions from your PDFs.

mcq from pdf

AI PDF to Quiz

Review Your Scores and Answers

Accelerate your learning by reviewing your mistakes and the correct answers. Improve your score and knowledge.

pdf to quiz converter